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Template and Menu Hot Sauce
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1. Support Home
2. Common Error Messages
3. Useful Upgrade Tips
4. URL Path Confusion
5. Setting Keyboard
6. Sending Error Messages
7. Find And Replace Tips
8. RollOver Problems
9. Layout vs Standard View
10. Site Definitions
11. Editing Vertical
      Tree Menus
12. Recreate Site List
13. Update Site...
14. Web Page Width
15. Designing for
      Search Engines
16. Adjusting Tree
      Menu Margins
17. Set Focus On
      Text Box
18. Rename Folder
19. Dynamic Page
20. No Valid
      Editable Region
21. No Super
22. Initialize Folder
23. Initialize Combo Tree
24. Tree Line
25. UnBalanced
      Editable Regions
26. Foreign Language
      & Special Characters
27. Adjust Row Menu Height of
      Vertical Tree Menu Items

    Still confused? Call customer support TOLL FREE
for both the free evaluation and licenced versions
    “Where do you want this
menu to be placed inside
your web pages?”
in other words, you need to put some editable region tags, using our names,
inside your template so Menu Hot Sauce knows where to put your menu and where your main body content is.

No Valid Editable Regions Names Detected
(to experienced template users, this means DO NOT use your own names. Use our names)

If you get this message and are taken to this web page, this means that certain Editable regions names that are recognized by the Template and Menu Hot Sauce system have not been detected by the program inside your template or starter page for it to know where things go, i.e. where do you want Menu Hot Sauce to put this menu.

NOTE: This also mean where, in your template, is the main body content for all your webpages go? In other words, you have to have an editable region tag, "Body Text", which is the name that Menu Hot Sauce recognizes, so Menu Hot Sauce knows where it is.
New Editable Region dialog box
THIS can be caused by users who are using their own naming convention for marking off which regions is for what purpose of their layout.


Use either of the buttons below to insert your editable region names as those names can be recognized by the program.
Menu Hot Sauce toolbar
- Insert Region

Valid Template and Menu Hot Sauce Editable Region Names
   NOTE: Editable Region Names are Case-Sensitive
   For example, NavbarTOP is NOT the same as NavbarTop
NavbarTOP   The Top most menu area for horizontal menus Region
NavbarSUB   The 2nd level horizontal menu
NavbarMINI   The 3rd level horizontal menu
NavbarMICRO   The 4th level horizontal menu
Tree_Menu_00   Tree menus area. All tree menus must be use this region name
Body Text   The main body text area of the web page
doctitle   Used in the Head section for the Title of the web page

Thus, you still can use the command,

     Insert --> Template Objects --> Editable Region

However, for at least the menu items and the body text of your website. However, you STILL need to use one of the above valid names when do use this command.
Yes and no. For menus, and body text and the areas shown above, if you want to use the Template and Menu Hot Sauce system to it's maximum and future potential, use those names shown on this page. If you have OTHER regions that are are for some reason used for something else, YES you can use your names for those.
Because if users started to use their own names, everyone would use a different name to mark off sections of their web page.

For example, if one of your existing region names is "HNavbar", is that the top menu or the sub menu? Sure, I can see the 'H' in the 'HNavbar', but that's not enough info and it's vague to begin with; not to mention there are millions of users who each have their own naming convention. So if you have an existing template with editable regions, delete and replace each region using the iR button on the Menu Hot Sauce toolbar. Do this ONE-AT-A-TIME, so you can remember what old name belonged to new name.
Again, ONE-AT-A-TIME, rename your editable regions and press, UPDATE PAGES, uA, each time so you can easily match up the old region name with the new region name you named. That is, when you change an editable region name, Dreamweaver via an Inconsistent Regions Names dialog box will ask you where do these old editable region names go to as the existing one is now gone because you changed the editable region name.

Inconsistent Region Names - Dreamweaver
6.   So just follow the steps above and if you have any questions or problems,
please do contact customer support.
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