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Like Reading a Map | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6
  1. Due NORTH is typically in between the the LEFT Curly Brace, "{" , and the RIGHT Parenthesis, ")". LOOK for the LEFT Curly Brace FIRST and then look for the Right's easier that way
  2. Due NORTH is typically on the same line as the words, "protected, private, or public"
  3. Due NORTH is typically on the same line as the word, "void".
  4. Due NORTH is typically next to three (3) words next to a left parenthesis "("
  5. Due NORTH is NOT on the same line as the word, "if", or "for",
    Example of a False North: if () {
    Example of a False North: for () {
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